Monday, April 24, 2017


How would you like one of these going off in your house at any random time on the weekend?Blandair Parks air horns invade my house and my neighbors constantly with their 3 fields during lacrosse season.  Stop the insanity in Howard County and get rid of the air horns at Blandair Park.  Blandair Park is the worst neighbor a person could have short of a runway launching over your house.

Friday, March 10, 2017

DOG PARK: Smells like Poop! Coming soon!

Poop in the park!
There are a few dog parks in Howard County and they all smell like poop and urine.  And lucky us that same smell is coming to Blandair Park in phase 3 to begin soon.  Oh how I love the smell of poop in the park as I stroll through on my skate board.  Oh wait!  They said that they would build a skate park in the Oakland Mills meeting a few years ago, but it got scratched in place of a poop park.  I would never take my dog to such a nasty place, but then again some people love the smell of poop!